Friday, May 22, 2015

My Lolly for the Grubber Shop - Week 5

My lolly that I thought you might like...
This one is my very favourite one called the Zig Zag Zoomer and it looks like a lightning strike with a death skull going round and round the lolly. 
When you touch it, you get a tazer shock and it makes the sound of thunder.
It costs $10 for a little jar or $20 for a big jar.
You need to have a license to eat them though.
When you eat them you zig zag like crazy, you zig zag as fast as lightning.

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Summarizing Strategy - week 4

We are learning how to summarize in room 12.
Mostly you can find key words in books. 
You can't copy someones work or that is called plagiarism.
Key words can help you make sentences.

These are some keywords:
Charlie, pigeon and race

Here is the sentence:
Charlie is a homing pigeon and is going to his first race of the season racing other pigeons.