Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How to look after a broken collarbone

How to look after a broken collarbone.
Have you ever had a broken collarbone?
A collarbone is also called the clavicle that is the fancy name for it. Did you know that the collarbone is the only bone that is connected to your arm excpect if it’s muscle. Also did you know you can’t have a cast on your broken collarbone because it will hurt your broken collarbone.

Things you need for a broken collarbone
  • A sling
  • Someone willing to help you for the first couple of days until you get used to it
  • A patient patient

  1. Go to the doctors to get an x-ray to see what it looks like. If  the x-ray shows it broken this is what you do.
  2. Hold your arm very still and a doctor will give you a sling.
  3. Take some Pamol to stop it from hurting so bad.
  4. Use the arm that you didn’t break.
  5. Wait about 3 weeks you can sleep with the sling off and at the 4 week mark you can take the sling off for good.
Carefully start to play at the 2 week mark but be warned life has its consequences.

I will show you two photos one is me with a sling on and another of an x-ray of a broken collarbone.

I'm proud of my self because I persevered when learning got tough.
The thing that challenged me was to get my verbs in.

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