Monday, April 6, 2015

My Superhero - The lion from the Wizard of Oz

Hi, I am the lion from the wizard of oz and I am here to tell you about me.  I look deadly, furry and strong.
His characteristics are kind, nice and generous. 
His actions are clean, nice and life saving.


  1. cool photo teage.

  2. Hi Teague, Nice photo and nice costume. I liked how you said that you look very deadly and furry and strong because he does look like all those. Nice work Teague.

  3. Cool! Teague i love hall you drinrmd his characteristics and actions and thumb up to the cool kid.

  4. Hi Teague, I love this photo too! You look like you have a really fierce lion face, I think you'd make a mouse run away! You and Nathan looked great together.
